Dairy goat production handbook

Dairy goat production handbook


This farmers booklet on rearing dairy goats was written and prepared by FARM Africa to aid farmers keep and maximumly benefit from dairy goats. This booklet has been prepared using simple language that the farmers can understand. Hence the efforts to avoid technical language. Writers share their project experiences with farmers.

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Dairy goat production handbook

This farmers booklet on rearing dairy goats was written and prepared by FARM Africa to aid farmers keep and maximumly benefit from dairy goats. This booklet has been prepared using simple language that the farmers can understand. Hence the efforts to avoid technical language. Writers share their project experiences with farmers.

Raising goats in Kenya is a lucrative project if all needs are taken into account. Goat’s milk production in Kenya is lower than that of cow’s milk. Goat’s milk yields more per liter than cow’s milk. A dairy cow needs half an acre of Napier grass to raise, while it can raise 5 goats
Dairy goat production handbook

crop and animal production

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