Creative arts and sports grade 5 notes

Creative arts and sports grade 5 notes


Rationalized notes for grade 5 term 1 2 and 3. They have detailed diagrammatic illustration of areas covered in every strand.
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Creative arts and sports grade 5 notes

Strand 1: Creating & Execution

1.1 Indigenous Kenyan Wind Instruments

Wind Instrument

  1. A wind instrument is played by blowing air into it.
  2. These instruments are common in many Kenyan communities. Moreover, each community has its own names for their wind instruments.
  3. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. Additionally, the craftsmanship varies among communities.

Parts of a Wind Instrument

  1. Air is blown in through a hole called the blowing hole or mouthpiece. Furthermore, there are other holes that create different sounds when played.
  2. The open end lets out air, and some instruments have mouthpieces made of reeds.
  3. They are made from various materials, and some have a closed end to direct the air.

Steps in Making a Wind Instrument

  1. First, collect the necessary materials.
  2. Ensure the tube is hollow. Then, mark and cut holes as needed.
  3. Handle the knife carefully to avoid injuries.
  4. Finally, clean up after making the instrument,


Caring for a Wind Instrument

  1. Handle with care as they are often breakable. To ensure longevity, use straps for safe storage.
  2. Wipe the mouthpiece with a clean cloth to prevent diseases.
  3. Additionally, keep the air passage dry after playing by using a feather or cloth.

Role of Wind Instruments in Music Making

  1. Some, like whistles and certain flutes, start performances (e.g., chivoti).
  2. They can fill gaps when singers are silent. Moreover, they respond to a soloist.
  3. accompany songs and dances.
  4. They signal the start or change of a song.
  5. Furthermore, they mark the climax of a performance (e.g., Olwika of the Luhya).
  6. Solo wind instruments are used for leisure music.
  7. Non-melody instruments like Olwika help keep the performance speed.

High quality creative arts sports professionally prepared notes for grade 5 upper primary school, They have detailed diagrammatic illustration of areas covered in every strand in editable format.


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