CRE grade 5 notes


Comprehensive notes for grade 5 term 1 2 and 3. They have detailed diagrammatic illustration of areas covered in every strand.
They are in editable format.



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CRE grade 5 notes



               My purpose. 


Identifying talents and abilities. 

A talent is a natural skill or ability to do something well. Ability is a talent or skill in a particular area. 

It is important to identify and use our talents and abilities. This will help us to grow and help others. 

Purpose is the reason for which something is done or was created for; purpose is why something exists. 

God created each one of us with a purpose. 

CRE grade 5 notes

What we want to do in the future is our plan. Plan helps us to do what God created us for. These plans are our purposes. 

The plans that God has for us are His purpose for our lives. 

We should live according to God’s plan in order to fulfill His purpose for our lives. 

CRE grade 5 notes

The parable of the talents

  • A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. 
  • The parable of the talents is also known as the parable of the three servants. 
  • The first and second servants used their talents well and were rewarded. 
  • We should use our talents to serve God and others. 
  • When we use our talents to serve God and others, we fulfill God’s purpose in our lives. God rewards us when we use our talents well. 

High quality professionally prepared notes for grade 5 upper primary school, They have detailed diagrammatic illustration of areas covered in every strand in editable format.


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