Agriculture and nutrition grade 5 notes

Agriculture and nutrition grade 5 notes


Rationalized notes for grade 5 term 1 2 and 3. They have detailed diagrammatic illustration of areas covered in every strand.
They are in editable format.



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Agriculture and nutrition grade 5 notes.

1.0 Conserving our Environment  1.1 Soil Conservation .
1.1.1 Soil recovery .

Soil is important in a number of ways. They Include: 

  • It’s our life support system 
  • It provides anchorage for plant roots 
  • It holds water and nutrients 
  • It’s a home for various micro-organisms We build on soil. 

Agriculture and nutrition grade 5 notes.

Therefore soil plays a vital role in our environment. As without soil human life would be very difficult. 

It’s therefore a resource that should be guarded with a lot of caution. This is why to keep this resource in good we should limit chances of various factors doing away with it.

High quality professionally prepared notes for grade 5 upper primary school, They have detailed diagrammatic illustration of areas covered in every strand in editable format.


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